Win a $5000 Tuition Credit!
We only have a few tickets left. Support the school and enter to win a $5000 tuition credit for the 2024-25 school year! This incredible opportunity won't last long. We're [...]
We only have a few tickets left. Support the school and enter to win a $5000 tuition credit for the 2024-25 school year! This incredible opportunity won't last long. We're [...]
Brandt Lockhart named head boys basketball and baseball coach at Cornerstone Christian Academy in Granbury Brandt Lockhart has been named the head boys basketball and baseball coach at Cornerstone Christian [...]
All students need a chrome book, laptop, or iPad with ear buds to use during class For a complete list of all required textbooks, please click here: High School Textbooks [...]
6th, 7th, 8th 2024-2025 School Supply List *May need to be replaced throughout the school year All Classes: *Ink Pens (black, blue for writing; colors for grading) *Pencils Big [...]
1 Zipper pouch 2 pkgs. of #2 Pencils 1 pkg large pink erasers 1 box of 12 colored pencils 1 pkg glue sticks 1 pkg yellow highlighters 2 pkg Expo [...]
1 Zipper pouch 2 pkgs. of #2 Pencils 1 pkg large pink erasers 1 box of 12 colored pencils 1 pkg glue sticks 1 pkg yellow highlighters 2 pkg Expo [...]
Backpack 2 boxed 24ct Crayons 1 pencil box 1 pkg pre-sharpened pencils 1 pkg eraser tops 1 pair child safety scissors 1 pkg dry erase markers 8 glue sticks 1 [...]
Backpack 2 boxed 24ct Crayons 1 pencil box 2 pkg pre-sharpened pencils 2 pink erasers 1 pkg eraser tops 1 pair child safety scissors 1 pkg dry erase markers 1 [...]
Backpack 2 Boxes of 24 Crayons 2 big block erasers (Pentel White Hi-Polymer eraser works best) 1 pkg. pre-sharpened pencils 1 pair child safety scissors 1 pkg. Colored pencils 1 [...]
1 Backpack 1 box 8 and 2 boxes 24 of Crayola brand crayons (please no chunky sized ones) 2 pkgs washable Crayola markers, classic colors, thick line 1 pkg Crayola [...]