Partner With Us

At Cornerstone Christian Academy we aim to serve parents in the life development of their children by creating vital relationships with families, churches, businesses and other Christian organizations within our community. When these stakeholders work in purposeful partnership, the students are provided with environments that will help shape their worldview and develop Christ-honoring adults, equipped for the life that awaits them. This world is an incredibly complex maze of worldviews, faiths, temptations, questions, conflicts and values. Graduating an academically competent student does not necessarily mean a school has adequately equipped a student with a heart of wisdom. It is our desire to graduate both excellent students and wise young men and women.

CCA encourages everyone to participate in helping us close this gap by giving of your time, talent, or treasure. Some giving opportunities available are Rewards Programs, Annual Giving, Sponsorships, and Events. To give now click the on the “donate now” button below.

The Giving Tree

The Giving Tree was created to show our appreciation to individuals and businesses who gave toward the F3 capital campaign. It represents those who gave specifically for the advancement of the building or some specific physical need within. The color of each leaf is random and does not define any certain level of giving. As people continue to give towards our building, we will continue to add leaves as we go along.

Feel free to stop by the main office lobby, where you will be able to see the Giving Tree. We are so thankful and blessed by the names on the tree, that we hope you will take the opportunity to stop by and read over the names of those who have blessed CCA. God has truly blessed this school and our campus through the generosity of His people.