School News

Crusader Giving Day

Join us beginning September 9th for Crusader Giving Day. This is your chance to invest in our school and the future for our students. We have many ongoing needs, from projects and capital building campaigns to classroom and program needs. No donation is too big or too small — every bit helps keep our school Crusader Strong and helps continue to build on the legacy we’ve started.

Online giving link opens September 9th on

Exchange Student Host Needed!

Greenheart Exchange needs a host family for a female student from Italy whose host family backed out after she had already arrived here. A host family can be a single mom, a family with young children, or an empty nest family. Host families are only required to provide a bed (can share a room just not a bed) three meals a day and transportation (students are not allowed to drive). The student comes with their own spending money for personal things and entertainment. The student will attend CCA. She is 17 and likes reading, watching movies, listening to music, and playing games. She also likes volleyball and basketball and would love to try to play on a team at school. Please let Mrs. Mitchell know if anyone would take this student or you might know someone who would!

Email [email protected] for more information.

4-H Meeting Coming Up!

Please join us for our first 4-H meeting!

Wednesday, Sep. 11, 2024 at 4pm in the Cornerstone Cafe

Cornerstone 4-H is a club for kids and teens ages 9-18 or grades 3-12. 4-H includes:

  • Shooting sports
  • Food science
  • Healthy living
  • Robotics
  • Fashion Photography

There are opportunities for SCHOLARSHIPS as well. When you choose a project, you can learn
everything there is to know about that topic. You will participate in various hands-on activities, learn new skills, do community service, and more.

Please contact co-leaders for more info:

Nicole Jennings 817-559-7395 (or on GroupMe)

Christy Stewart 817-243-8770

Student Out?

Please email [email protected] PLUS their respective teacher(s) if your student is out for any reason!

Upcoming Events

Crusader Giving Day

» September 9-19 // Invest in the future of our school! Online giving link opens September 9!

PTF Meeting

» September 10, 5:30pm @ CCA

Athletic News


Family Handbook

Win Tuition Credit!