Featured Image: NHS and NJHS Students Counting Cans for the Canned Food Drive
School News
Feed the Need Is Going Strong!

Spirit Store!
Our spirit store is now open! Shop and support the Blu Cru!!
Senior Mission Trip Shirts
Support the Senior Class by purchasing the Senior Mission Trip t-shirt or hoodie. All profits go towards their trip!
Sales close Dec 1 so don’t miss out!
Thanksgiving Feast RSVP
Our annual Thanksgiving Feast is coming up! November 22 from 10:30 am – 12 pm at CCA. Use the button below to RSVP and purchase meals!
Junior Class Fundraisers
Hat Day
Baked Goods
A Special Thank You
Thank you to all who gave during the National Honor Society’s canned food drive for Mission Granbury! CCA brought in 2,361 items. What a blessing! CCA’s NHS members appreciate you all.
Upcoming Events
Feed the Need Packing Party
» November 21
CCA Thanksgiving Feast
» November 22
Thanksgiving Break
» November 25- 29
Basketball Kick-off Pep Rally
» December 4
Athletic News
Family Handbook

As a reminder, please NO GLASS in lunches. This includes drinks, bottles, and food containers.
School Start Time
As a reminder, school starts PROMPTLY at 8:30am. Your student will be counted tardy if they walk into the building or classroom at 8:30am. Please review the handbook for the school tardy policies as these can effect exam exemptions!
Student Out?
Please email [email protected] PLUS their respective teacher(s) if your student is out for any reason!