Featured Image: Varsity Cheer at the Christmas Pep Rally
School News
Cold Weather and Outerwear
Temps are dropping and it’s important for students to have adequate clothing during unpredictable Texas winters! Reminder: all outerwear MUST be CCA uniforms while in the building. Students may ONLY wear regular jackets outside.
If you need some new CCA hoodies, check the links below for the new spirit wear and Senior mission trip fundraiser gear!
Spirit Store is Reopened!
Our spirit store is open again! Shop and support the Blu Cru!!
Senior Mission Trip Shirts
Support the Senior Class by purchasing the Senior Mission Trip t-shirt or hoodie. All profits go towards their trip!
CCA Yard Signs Are Back!
Support the Senior Class and show your CCA Pride all at the same time! Purchase your CCA yard signs today!
All-School Christmas Service Project
Continuing the service project tradition, Cornerstone Christian Academy will come together as a school and complete a Christmas Community service project. Last year families donated, and students across all grades packed personal items for a local nursing home. This year we are partnering with Lakeside Baptist Church’s Backpack Ministry. This program is dedicated to supporting low-income students by providing them with shelf-stable, unrefrigerated food items that are light enough for little ones to carry home. This ministry is a testament to God’s love in action. This is an opportunity that God has brought to CCA’s attention so that we can serve His Children in Hood County over Christmas break. CCA’s students, Kindergarten through 12th grade, will pack 240 backpacks on Friday, December 20. We will need 240 of each item, so to ensure that we have plenty, we will be taking up the items between Wednesday, December 4th through Wednesday, December 18th. If you feel led to donate, please send the items with your child to school, or you can drop them off in the front office. If you would rather donate money instead of picking up the items, please turn the money in to the front office. Having the desire to continue to bless the older generation, our preschoolers will also make cards to be given to a local nursing home. Help CCA be the hands and feet of Jesus and love on our neighbors of Hood County.
Please pray and lift up this ministry, the children that will be served, and their families.
Ramen Noodles – 11th grade
Vienna Sausages – Kindergarten
Microwavable Velveeta Shells & Cheese – 1st grade
Peanut Butter Crackers – 10th and 12th grade
Protein Drinks – Boost Chocolate milk, Nesquick – 4th and 7th grades
Cereal Bars / Protein – 2nd and 8th grade
Bottle water / Flavor Packets – 3rd grade
Poptarts – 5th and 9th grade
Popcorn – 6th grade
Applesauce or Fruit Cups – Preschool
Junior Class Fundraisers
Baked Goods
Upcoming Events
End of Second Grading Period
» December 20
Christmas Break
» December 23 – January 10
Upcoming Games and Athletic Events
Family Handbook

As a reminder, please NO GLASS in lunches. This includes drinks, bottles, and food containers.
School Start Time
As a reminder, school starts PROMPTLY at 8:30am. Your student will be counted tardy if they walk into the building or classroom at 8:30am. Please review the handbook for the school tardy policies as these can effect exam exemptions!
Student Out?
Please email [email protected] PLUS their respective teacher(s) if your student is out for any reason!