Featured Image: CCA Students at the Hood County Junior Livestock Show
School News
Welcome back, Crusaders! The semester kicked off smoothly thanks to all our amazing staff, volunteers, and students. Thank you! As we dive into the Spring semester, we want to take a moment to give God the glory for such a wonderful Fall semester, and look forward to all He will do in the coming months.
Sing to the LORD a new song, for he has done marvelous things; his right hand and his holy arm have worked salvation for him. ~Psalm 98:1
Senior Class Car Show Fundraiser
February Lunch Out
February lunch out orders are open! Please make your selections soon. Orders close January 27th at 12 pm. No late orders will be accepted!
Cold Weather and Outerwear
Temps are dropping and it’s important for students to have adequate clothing during unpredictable Texas winters! Reminder: all outerwear MUST be CCA uniforms while in the building. Students may ONLY wear regular jackets outside.
If you need some new CCA hoodies, check the links below for the new spirit wear and Senior mission trip fundraiser gear!
CCA Yard Signs Are Back!
Support the Senior Class and show your CCA Pride all at the same time! Purchase your CCA yard signs today!
Upcoming Events
No School Monday
» January 20 // MLK Holiday
Upcoming Games and Athletic Events
Family Handbook

As a reminder, please NO GLASS in lunches. This includes drinks, bottles, and food containers.
School Start Time
As a reminder, school starts PROMPTLY at 8:30am. Your student will be counted tardy if they walk into the building or classroom at 8:30am. Please review the handbook for the school tardy policies as these can effect exam exemptions!
Student Out?
Please email [email protected] PLUS their respective teacher(s) if your student is out for any reason!