Investing in the future, one student at a time.

The world is changing rapidly. Our children are growing up in an information-based, technology rich, globalized world. Digital technology and innovations around the world have led to increased academic and economic competition.

To prepare our students to serve Christ in this competitive, global world of the 21st century, we are deeply committed to academic excellence. Our academic program is comprehensive, taught with rigor and emphasized by the Bible for all foundational experiences. Beginning in preschool, the academic program is designed to lay a solid academic and spiritual foundation for our students. CCA students are college ready upon graduation, enabling them to reach the full potential God has desired for them. Classroom experiences are enhanced by language labs, field trips, guest speakers, and science labs.

The elementary classes have one-to-one technology with the use of Chromebooks. The secondary students are all required to bring their own device. Each classroom has a full size HD television where teacher can present information, examples, etc. in lieu of the traditional projector or overhead.


Preschool Early Education

Early Education


Kindergarten - 5th Grade

Kindergarten - 5th Grade

Junior High

6th - 8th Grade

6th - 8th Grade

High School

9th - 12th Grade

9th - 12th Grade


At CCA, we believe serving Christ is at the core of our purpose. With this desire to serve also comes a desire to learn more about God and our relationship with Him. Through weekly chapel services, our students and staff grow in their knowledge about Christ and grow in their relationship with Christ.

Chapels are held on Wednesdays each week.

School-wide Chapel