All students need a chrome book, laptop, or iPad with ear buds to use during class

For a complete list of all required textbooks, please click here:

10th Grade World History, 11th Grade US History, 12th Grade Government and Economics

Mr. Isaac Duke
  • 1 heavy duty Five Subject Spiral Notebook (preferably with pockets)
  • Package of Glue Sticks (replenished throughout the year)
  • Scissors
  • Map Pencils

Algebra 1, Algebra 2, College Algebra

  • 3-ring notebook
  • Notebook paper (wide-rule)
  • Plastic dividers with pockets (3)
  • Pack of 4 dry-erase markers (replenished throughout the year)
  • Graphing calculator (TI-84 plus or higher TI brand model)
  • Red pens, pencils
  • Laptop (bring each day)
  • Kleenex

Anatomy/Physiology, Physics, Chemistry, Robotics

Ms. Denise Nowell

Anatomy and Physiology

  • 3” 3 ring binder
  • Dividers
  • Pencil and/or blue or black pen
  • 2 rolls of paper towels
  • Box of disposable gloves
  • Box of 24 colored pencils and hand sharpener
  • Optional – fine point sharpies
  • Ream of paper


  • 2 graph grid Composition books
  • Pencils, Pens (blue or black ink); I recommend a four-color pen
  • Calculator: Texas Instruments TI-30Xa 10-Digit Scientific Calculator


  • 3-ring binder (1-1/2 or 2 inch)
  • TI-30Xa calculator
  • 3 Dividers
  • Pencils, Pens (blue or black ink)
  • Red pen for notes
  • Highlighters


  • 1 Graph grid notebook
  • Engineer protractor
  • Good pencils
  • Highlighters
  • There will be a fee of $75.00 to participate in Robotics

AP Calculus AB, Honors Pre-Cal, Jr/Sr Bible

Mrs. Kimberly Cyphert

AP Calculus AB

  • Two 3-inch three-ring binders
  • One ¾-inch three-ring binder
  • Composition Book
  • Five dividers (with pockets) – one set per 3-inch binder
  • Multicolor highlighters
  • Multicolor pens—blue, black, and red (2 each)
  • Pencils (pkg – 24) or 3 mechanical pencils with extra lead
  • Three or four pkgs of notebook paper for binder and assignments
  • Graph paper, one pad – 4 squares per inch, minimum
  • Ruler, compass, protractor
  • TI-89 Calculator or higher (Students may use both TI-83/4 calculator and TI-89, TI-Inspire CAS, or equivalent)

Pre Calculus

  • Two 3-inch three-ring binder
  • Five dividers (with pockets) – one set per 3-inch binder
  • Multicolor highlighters
  • Multicolor pens—blue, black, and red (2 each)
  • Pencils (pkg – 24) or 3 mechanical pencils
  • Two or three pkgs of notebook paper for binder and assignments
  • 1 pad graph paper – 4 squares per inch, minimum
  • Ruler, compass, protractor
  • Textbook Cover
  • TI-84 or TI-89, TI-Inspire CAS, or equivalent) scientific calculator

Biology (9th Grade)

Mrs. McKenzie Luersen


  • 1 – three-ring binder (2 inch)
  • 1 – package of tab dividers
  • Notebook paper (to fill binder)
  • Pencils
  • Colored Pencils (for your own personal use)
  • Scissors (for your own personal use)
  • Highlighter
  • Glue Sticks
  • Ruler
  • Kleenex/facial tissue (class supplies)

English I, II, III, IV

Mrs. Sherry Swaim

NOTE: The pens, pencils, highlighters are for students’ personal use; they will not be kept in
classroom, so if other teachers ask for them, no need to buy additional.
ALSO: PLEASE BUY SEPARATE BINDER for English. This serves as the textbook for English since I do not
request parents to purchase a textbook. I provide handouts with the needed information that goes
into the binder. It should not be a shared binder with other classes.

English I (9th grade)

  • 1 ½ inch three ring binder
  • Five Dividers
  • 1 package of copy paper
  • Notebook paper
  • Pens, Pencils, Highlighters

English II (10th grade)

  • 1 ½ inch three ring binder
  • Five Dividers
  • Notebook paper
  • Pens, Pencils, Highlighters
  • Clorox Wipes

English III (11th grade)

  • 1 ½ inch three ring binder
  • Five Dividers
  • Notebook paper
  • Pens, Pencils, Highlighters
  • Kleenex

English IV (12th grade)

  • 1 ½ inch three ring binder
  • Five Dividers
  • Notebook paper
  • Pens, Pencils, Highlighters
  • Kleenex

Art I, Art III (Secondary)

Mrs. Aimee Nichols
  • Non-spiral bound sketchbook that is at least 7″ X 10″, but NO larger than 9″ X 12″ by the 1st full week of school
  • (Teacher suggestion: This size can currently be found at the Dollar Tree)
  • A supply fee of $50.00 will be required at the start of school


Mrs. Joan Slaughter
  • Each student will need a 1-1 ½ inch binder with pockets front and interior- It will be necessary to maintain this binder with all work for the year.
  • Binder paper AND 7 or 8 dividers.
  • Pencils and pens that are comfortable to the student to use. Papermate Flair pens are nice – pencils must have erasers.
  • Very important: We will occasionally be using tablets or computers to play games in Spanish class. They must always be available and charged.
  • NOT necessary: Spanish-English dictionaries


9th Grade Bible

The Triumph of Christ Student Edition, 1st Ed.
ISBN 978-1-62856-571-3
Author – BJU Press
Copyright Year – 2020
Publisher – BJU Press

10th Grade Bible

Bible Doctrines Student Edition, 1st Ed.
ISBN 978-1-62856-836-3
Author – BJU Press
Copyright Year – 2022
Publisher – BJU Press

11th Grade Bible

Biblical Worldview Student Edition, 1st Ed.
ISBN 978-1-60682-727-7
Author – BJU Press
Copyright Year – 2016
Publisher – BJU Press

12th Grade Bible

Ethic Student Edition, 1st Ed.
ISBN 978-1-64626-389-9
Author – BJU Press
Copyright Year – 2024
Publisher – BJU Press


College Readiness

11th Grade College Readiness

  • 3 ring binder
  • 5 tab dividers

12th Grade College Readiness

  •  3-ring binder
  • 5 tab dividers

Musical Theatre

  • Blue Plastic pocket folder with brads
  • A $75.00 fee will be required at the start of school


  • Instrumental Rental fees will range form $40 – $75 depending on what instrument you rent.

Foundations of Worship

Mrs. Morgan Farris

**Students will need a few other supplies for different Bible classes and electives. These will be announced in those classes on the first day of school.