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Cru Connect // Vol. 24 Issue 17
Featured Image: Mrs. Mitchell and Mrs. Luckie's Kindergarten Ice Cream Social School News Art Contest Winners! Mrs. Nichols helped our students enter the Master Gardeners Association of Granbury's art contest again this year. Our students created colorful butterflies to be judged. The [...]
Cru Connect // Vol. 24 Issue 16
School News Crusader Giving Day UPDATE // We previously reported that we raised over $11,000 for our programs! That in and of itself was HUGE but....... thanks to your GENEROUS SUPPORT that number has climbed to over $50,000 since last week!!! $30,000 alone [...]
Cru Connect // Vol. 24 Issue 15
School News Crusader Giving Day Crusader Giving Day was a huge success! Thanks to your generous support, we were able to raise over $11,000 for our programs! That is HUGE and we are so very grateful that you continue to invest in these [...]